20. 10. 2020, 10:00-12:30
Together with Tone Olaf Nielsen, Hansen is co-founder of the curatorial collective Kuratorisk Aktion (2005–). Kuratorisk Aktion has curated such pioneering exhibitions and publications as Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts (2006), The Road to Mental Decolonization (2008), and TUPILAKOSAURUS: An Incomplete(able) Survey of Pia Arke’s Artistic Work and Research (2012). Based on their transnational feminist and decolonial experiences, the collective founded CAMP / Center for Art on Migration Politics, an international art center solely devoted to questions of displacement and migration. The center opened in 2015 and was uniquely located inside the Copenhagen community space for asylum seekers, refugees, and other citizens, Trampoline House. After seven years of researching, exhibiting, and discussing art on migration politics, CAMP closed again in the summer of 2020 upon an invitation from the Indonesian artist collective and Artists Directors of the upcoming documenta fifteen, ruangrupa, to join them in curating this transnational mega event, which opens in Kassel in 2022 and aims to continue long time beyond the mere 100 days of the exhibition. The conversation will focus on questions of time and sustainability, and how the ability and willingness to continue for a long time affects the politics of memory, accountability, community, and resource sharing.
In this presentation and subsequent conversation with Jane Jin Kaisen, curator Frederikke Hansen will talk about their long-standing curatorial engagement with issues of colonialism, migration politics, and artistic alliances.