Responsiveness and Influence – A seminar with Agnieszka Polska

Tuesday 9. February, 2021 – Tuesday 11. May, 2021 Ideas travel through societies like electric impulses travel through the network: a relay , tripped by a signal, emits another signal. As Warren S. McCulloch – early cybernetician, states:  The signal’s […] effect depends only on conditions where it ends, not where it begins.  An intrinsic […]

24 September, 2021
Artist talk: Jeannette Ehlers

9. November 2020, 14:00-16:00 Organized in collaboration between the School of Media Arts, The School of Conceptual and Contextual Practices, and the Institute for Art, Writing and Research

24 September, 2021
Katja Novitskova – Online Artist Talk and Q&A.

Wednesday 27.01.2021, 15.00 – 17.00 Novitskova’s work tackles the complexity and eventual failures of depicting the world through technologically driven narratives. By bringing together art and science to the level of nature, Novitskova brings awareness to the mediation and representation tools used to depict these realms. More specifically, Novitskova’s work focuses on the mapping of […]

24 September, 2021
Making an Entrance or What is Seen Ain’t Even – performance workshop with Geo Wyeth

16,17. 12. 2020, 10am – 3pm This workshop will extend and play with the scale, threshold, and flavor of “the entrance” as a well-worn gesture of stage and screen.  We will conduct group theatrical exercises (physical and vocal), share some favorite examples of entrances from our surrounding cultures, and create our own lexicon or moves […]

24 September, 2021
“Wild Relatives” screening and a conversation with Jumana Manna

Wednesday 25. November, 2020 As a visual artist working primarily in video and sculpture, Jumana Manna explores how power is articulated through relationships, often focusing on the body and materiality in relation to narratives of nationalism and histories of place. Manna’s works have been exhibited internationally in both solo and group exhibitions, including the Toronto Biennale (2019); Jumana […]

24 September, 2021
Lecture and conversation with The Forest Curriculum (Pujuta Guha and Abhijan Toto)

6.11.2020, 13.00-16.00 The Forest Curriculum is an itinerant and nomadic platform for indisciplinary research and mutual co-learning. It proposes to assemble a located critique of the Anthropocene via the naturecultures of zomia, the forested belt that connects South and Southeast Asia. The Forest Curriculum works with artists, researchers, indigenous organizations and thinkers, musicians, activists. It […]

24 September, 2021
Travels in Time and Scale – A seminar with Agnieszka Polska

Thursday 22. October, 2020 – Tuesday 5. January, 2021 Due to the varied speeds of contemporary communication processes and the recursivity of these systems, one of the qualities of the Information Age is its entanglement with overlapping time frames and its involvement with different scales.  The technology user, in their non-linear journey, may depart from […]

24 September, 2021
Presentation by Cosmin Costinas on the exhibition “A Journal of the Plague Year. Fear, ghosts, rebels. SARS, Leslie and the Hong Kong story”

21.10.2020, 11:00-13:00 Lecture and conversation with Cosmin Costinas and Inti Guerrero on their exhibition A Journal of the Plague Year. Fear, ghosts, rebels. SARS, Leslie and the Hong Kong story. Starting from the events that affected Hong Kong in the spring of 2003, the exhibition traced the different narratives, historical backgrounds as well as the […]

24 September, 2021
What Could Sustainability in Curating Be? Kuratorisk Aktion, CAMP, documenta fifteen” Lecture by Frederikke Hansen, followed by conversation with Jane Jin Kaisen

20. 10. 2020, 10:00-12:30 Together with Tone Olaf Nielsen, Hansen is co-founder of the curatorial collective Kuratorisk Aktion (2005–). Kuratorisk Aktion has curated such pioneering exhibitions and publications as Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts (2006), The Road to Mental Decolonization (2008), and TUPILAKOSAURUS: An Incomplete(able) Survey of Pia Arke’s Artistic […]

24 September, 2021